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Top 10 Apps like AquaHome

3.66667 3
 3 votes - Productivity - iOS 14.0&up - First release: 2021-04-09T07:00:00Z

Hobbies should be enjoyable, we’re here to help keep it that way. Whether you’re an aquarist or an aquascaper, you keep freshwater or saltwater aquari.. Read more

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4.78899 65015
 65015 votes - Productivity - First release: 2018-04-27T21:26:14Z

Get more done with Google Tasks. Manage, capture, and edit your tasks from anywhere, at anytime, with to-dos that sync across all your devices. Integrations with Gmail and Google Calendar help you get.. Read more

4.48276 493
 493 votes - Productivity - First release: 2012-12-21T03:10:31Z

Designed to manage both Freshwater and Saltwater aquariums! Available in 13 languages: Català, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Polski, Português, Română, Русский, 中文(简体), 中文(香港).. Read more

4.4101 40629
 40629 votes - Productivity - First release: 2019-02-12T08:00:00Z

Capture ideas when inspiration strikes. Bring your notes, to-dos, and schedule together to tame life’s distractions and accomplish more—at work, at home, and everywhere in between. Evernote syncs to.. Read more

4.70871 155098
 155098 votes - Productivity - First release: 2017-04-19T12:44:06Z

Stay organized and manage your day-to-day with Microsoft To Do. Make shopping lists or task lists, take notes, record collections, set reminders and more to improve your productivity and focus on what.. Read more

4.70847 19274
 19274 votes - Productivity - First release: 2016-03-08T01:02:41Z

Track tasks, manage projects, collaborate on-the-go. Create, update, edit, plan, track, analyze – all in the palm of your hand with the Jira mobile app by Atlassian. It’s the accelerated collaboratio.. Read more

4.85464 17267
 17267 votes - Productivity - First release: 2013-06-19T21:04:34Z

TickTick is a powerful to-do & task management app with seamless cloud synchronization across all your devices. Whether you need to schedule an agenda, make memos, share shopping lists, collaborate in.. Read more

4.8708 57083
 57083 votes - Productivity - First release: 2012-05-11T07:00:00Z

AnyList is the best way to create grocery shopping lists and collect and organize your recipes. Easily share a list with your spouse or roommates, for free. Changes show up instantly on everyone’s iPh.. Read more

4.68299 63317
 63317 votes - Productivity - First release: 2015-05-29T11:07:57Z

Spark brings the best email experience for professionals and their teams. Effortless, beautiful, and collaborative. "Best of the App Store" – Apple "It's a combination of polish, simplicity, and dept.. Read more

4.63562 42769
 42769 votes - Productivity - First release: 2012-06-04T05:47:29Z

Join over 30 million people who rely on Any.do to organize their life and get more done. "IT'S A MUST HAVE APP" (NYTimes, WSJ, USA Today & Lifehacker). It's the perfect combo of a task list, calendar,.. Read more

4.63206 8216
 8216 votes - Productivity - First release: 2018-02-14T18:41:05Z

Keep on top of everything in your head, whether it’s movies to watch or the details of your next big project. Designed for busy people who live by making lists to stay on track at work and home, the d.. Read more